Hello I'm Bre

Hello I'm Bre
I'm a first time mother just figuring it out as I go. Trying to always remember to stay Fabulous and not lose myself in MommyWorld.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

First Haircut is a Right of Passage!!

Today Baby Alex got his 1st haircut! I was a nervous wreck all day, mainly because I didn't know how he would react to a total stranger putting there hands in his hair. He barely lets me put my hands in his hair, he would rather walk around looking like Tarzan all day and I'm fed up with it. Today was the day he was getting the big chop! 
According to daddy a little boys first haircut is basically a big deal, because it's the first time they are experiencing something that they will probably be doing for the rest of their life. Now the only thing to decide is what kind of haircut we want him to have. At first I was leaning more toward cutting it all off, but the thought of seeing my baby boy without hair made me cringe. Daddy was leaning more toward letting him keep his Afro but just cutting it a tiny bit so his hair is more even and neat. That sounded nice but I needed a little more hair gone than just a tiny bit.
We were torn. I started second guessing myself asking if change was really good. For the first year of his life he has had this crazy looking "Blue Ivy" hair and now to imagine him without it was kind of scary!" It gives him extra personality" I told myself, "It's like his trademark, but at the same time it's highly annoying and requires a lot of freaking maintenance. F*#k it! I'm getting it cut! CHANGE IS GOOD"!
I marched into that barbershop on a mission! Focused with my eye on the prize. ( The prize was a presentable looking toddler) I had my picture ready to show the barber exactly what I wanted my sons hair to look like. Sat Baby Alex in his chair, so far so good! Next thing you know the barber cut on the Clippers and Baby Alex cut on the Tears....


I gave him my phone to try and calm him down, didn't work. Then I gave him a lollipop (which I never do, but I was desperate) that didn't even work, he threw it on the ground. By this time he is screaming like hell!!! So I just sat in the chair with him embarrassed, I was so wrapped up in his tantrum I didn't even realize the barber had made a mistake until the other barber came over and started cleaning up his mess! Now I'm pissed looking like wtf as they cut off more and more of my baby's hair. I almost felt like I wanted to cry, but the ending result turned out pretty good. I don't know if I want to take him back for another cut anytime soon tho....  RIP "BLUE IVY HAIR"

After the cut he had a big attitude with me, I think it was because I had to hold his head down... Sorry BooBoo mama loves you, it was for your own good.

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