Hello I'm Bre

Hello I'm Bre
I'm a first time mother just figuring it out as I go. Trying to always remember to stay Fabulous and not lose myself in MommyWorld.

Monday, February 17, 2014

My Little Picky Eater!!!

My 14 month old has been such a pain for the last week. It seems like he has became A picky eater overnight. Recently soon as he sees the spoon coming near his mouth he freaks out and starts screaming hysterically.


I don't know what to do. He is mainly Breastfed and it seems likes the only thing he will tolerate is the breast and the occasional vegetable... I'm constantly offering him little pieces of food, sometimes he will take it sometimes he'll run in the opposite direction. If I even act like I'm about to try and force feed him, he will act like he is being killed! I'm fed up, so I did a little research and heard a number of possibilities from other moms such as ...
  1. "If the child is gagging and vomiting the child may have encountered texture sensitivity when switching to a different type of food, and could have speech issue and possibly need to go to speech therapy." (WHAT)
  2. "Many doctors recommend that you take away the breast or bottle, because the baby is filling up on liquids and not wanting actual food!!" (That sucks! My son would have a heart attack if I took away his milk.)
  3. "It's normal and most toddlers go through this before the age 3. They feel the need to be in control of their mealtime."
Sometimes reading things on the Internet can be so scary for a paranoid mom like me, but I won't take any drastic measures until I speak to my sons pediatrician. Whatever the reason for the change in appetite I will remain patient in his presence and keep working toward getting his regular eating habits back on track. Y'all Pray for me.

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