Hello I'm Bre

Hello I'm Bre
I'm a first time mother just figuring it out as I go. Trying to always remember to stay Fabulous and not lose myself in MommyWorld.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

10 Things Your Mama Didnt Tell You About Motherhood!!!

This past December I was sooo proud if myself for getting through my first year of being a mom. I felt like I deserved a freaking award or trophy, I mean I kept another human being alive without screwing it up. It was definitely more of a challenge than expected but I kept a strong mind. I remembered my mother telling me constantly, "Don't stress, the first year is the hardest for a first time mother." So I always took that into consideration but she never told me what about it was hard,  that was something I had to discover on my own and boy was it an eye opener!! So here I am passing on my little bit of knowledge to any new mom willing to listen. These are some things mama may not have told you about motherhood.
  1. Your once spotless clean Living Room will now officially become a Playroom/ Toy store!!  I don't even remember when the transition happened, one day I looked up and it was a mini mountain in the corner of my living room. I tried taking his toys to his room but eventually they all made there way back into the living room. I have now come to accept that no matter what I do his toys are going to end up right back in the same place I moved them from.  
  2. No matter how hard you try, your kids will get dirty/messy! Moms most babies/toddlers are messy with EVERYTHING they do. The things that bug me the most are "Snotty Noses" and "Sticky Hands".  It seems like every time my son has a runny nose he uses me and my clothes as his personal nose wiper, it drives me nuts!!! But nothing is worst than the Sticky Hands. It seems like he always finds some kind of cup with juice or food to stick his hands into, then he decides to touch all over my cell phone, remotes, tables, glass and toys until everything needs to be wiped down.
  3. Get use to spending a lot less $$$ on yourself, almost all of your extra money is going to your child! This one is actually not that much of a big deal. It's part of the job description. I honestly want to pick up every cute thing I see in the store for my son. Moms just remember to still treat yourself to a little sumthin sumthin every once in awhile.
  4. Everything you have they want! Cell phones, food, mail, pens and any other type of pointless junk is the most interesting thing in your child's eyes if you have it in your hands. Every time my son sees me with anything he immediately drops what he's doing to come snatch it out of my hand and investigate. It trips me out, sometimes I actually sneak and do things like text on my phone or even eat snacks. 
  5. Newborns are Needy! The first 3 months after I had my son were the hardest to me. It was just such a change from the normal life I was use to, I mean out of nowhere there was this new little person in my life who constantly needed to be fed, burped, bathed, changed, bounced, rolled over, rocked, picked up,  swaddled, swayed, and shushed. That's a lot right??? But even though it was a big reality check it was also something that came to me naturally.
  6. It sucks when your kids get sick!! It seriously effects my whole day, even if my son just has a cough. At the end of the day no matter how bad your kid is or no matter how much your kid terrorizes the house, it's the worst feeling to see them sick. You just want to hold and hug them (even with all the germs) just to help them feel better. I'm literally the type of mom that can't sleep if my son is too sick.
  7. You can kiss your privacy goodbye! I can't do anything now without my son following down behind me trying to see what I'm up to. There has been multiple occasions when I can't even go to the bathroom or take a shower without him scratching on the other side of the door screaming like a little maniac. Right now at this point of my sons age he is going through the whole separation anxiety stage so he has been a lot more smothering than usual, mommy and daddy intimate time is strictly during nap time and after bedtime. No more wild crazy sex all over the house =[.  
  8. Kids are Clumsy! My son started walking when he was 10 months and I expected that there would be a lot of falls and stumbles, but now 4 months later I just came to the conclusion that he is very clumsy. He runs without looking in front of him, he constantly loses his balance doing nothing, and he constantly slips on books and toys.  All I can do is except it and be there to kiss his widdle boo boos.
  9. Your taste in movies might change! I have always been a big movie person but now my taste in movies have drastically changed. I once was big on Action and Thriller now i find myself always watching little animated and disney movies with my son. Those animated movies are actually pretty good with good story lines too. 
  10. You will laugh more than ever!! Parenthood is a beautiful thing.  Your experiencing this little child that started from an infant grow into a little person with there own type of personality. It's so funny to see how your little one reacts to things for the first time like Halloween, Christmas, 4th of July, Birthdays, Amusement Parks, The Beach ect. It's also funny to take a look at yourself as a parent you'll be surprised how much you may or may not remind yourself of your own parents.  
Parenthood is tricky but don't doubt yourself, no parent is perfect. As long as you show that child love that's all that matters. This may seem like hell to someone reading this without children but to us parents this is light work. We were made for this.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Media Mom Monday (Week 3)

This week Media Mom Monday spot goes to Kerry Washington. This week she attended the NAACP Image Award Show, and looked stunning rocking her little baby bump. She is the true definition of elegance and grace.

Omg how many people would love to see her pregnant on "Scandal" with the presidents baby!!!! Now that would be the ultimate Scandal!!! Come on Shonda Rhimes!!!
Photo Credit: Mediatakeout.com

Friday, February 21, 2014

Ahhhh Sore Breast!!!

Everyone who knows me knows that I've been breastfeeding my son for his whole 14 months of life. And although it has its perks there can also be an ugly side... I've been experiencing that ugly side for the past 2 days.
I woke up with a sharp pain on my right breast. I figured it was just full with milk and needed it be drained, but once I got all the milk out it was still sore to the touch. I decided to ignore the pain since I had so many errands to run and I definitely wasn't skipping out on my shopping!!! As the day went on my breast began to feel even more sore than before. I continued to feed Baby Alex on that breast convinced that it was just a clogged milk duct. Later that night I began feeling sick and weak, my temperature spiked up to a low grade fever and I had the chills. I mean seriously WTF. After that I knew it was more serious than clogged milk ducts, so I began researching like always.
Mastitis is an infection of the breast tissue that results in breast pain, swelling, warmth and Redness of the breast. If you have Mastitis you may also experience fever and chills! Mastitis may be caused by a blocked milk duct or by bacteria entering your breast.
This has to be what I have!! I went to the bathroom to see if my breast were red (It was). I then started thinking of things that may help it go away without having to go to the doctor... I took a warm shower then I held a warm compress against my breast. I had a low fever so I just made sure I stayed hydrated and got as much rest as possible. I also tried making sure I fed Baby Alex before the breast became too full with milk and I used a variety of positions to Breastfeed. 
My fever and chills went away but I'm still a little sore it seems like it's slowly getting better. Any advice??

Monday, February 17, 2014

My Little Picky Eater!!!

My 14 month old has been such a pain for the last week. It seems like he has became A picky eater overnight. Recently soon as he sees the spoon coming near his mouth he freaks out and starts screaming hysterically.


I don't know what to do. He is mainly Breastfed and it seems likes the only thing he will tolerate is the breast and the occasional vegetable... I'm constantly offering him little pieces of food, sometimes he will take it sometimes he'll run in the opposite direction. If I even act like I'm about to try and force feed him, he will act like he is being killed! I'm fed up, so I did a little research and heard a number of possibilities from other moms such as ...
  1. "If the child is gagging and vomiting the child may have encountered texture sensitivity when switching to a different type of food, and could have speech issue and possibly need to go to speech therapy." (WHAT)
  2. "Many doctors recommend that you take away the breast or bottle, because the baby is filling up on liquids and not wanting actual food!!" (That sucks! My son would have a heart attack if I took away his milk.)
  3. "It's normal and most toddlers go through this before the age 3. They feel the need to be in control of their mealtime."
Sometimes reading things on the Internet can be so scary for a paranoid mom like me, but I won't take any drastic measures until I speak to my sons pediatrician. Whatever the reason for the change in appetite I will remain patient in his presence and keep working toward getting his regular eating habits back on track. Y'all Pray for me.

Media Mom Monday (Week 2)

This week media mom Monday goes to Monica. The definition of a Classy Fabulous Mom. How handsome are her sons Rodney and Romelo and her daughter Laiyah is just adorable!!!
This Family Picture is Everything!!!

Monday, February 10, 2014

Media Mom Monday!!!

This weeks Media Mom Monday goes to the glowing Ms. Evelyn Lozada. She had her baby shower this past weekend and although she looks like she is ready to pop she still looks great. A true definition of a fabulous mom!!!

Photo cred: Mediatakeout.com

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Thirsty Thursday Blog Hop!!

I got this from another blogging site ( Obviously MARvelous) and thought it was a great idea to get to know other mommy bloggers!! Thirsty for followers comment below and introduce yourself and your blog!!!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

First Haircut is a Right of Passage!!

Today Baby Alex got his 1st haircut! I was a nervous wreck all day, mainly because I didn't know how he would react to a total stranger putting there hands in his hair. He barely lets me put my hands in his hair, he would rather walk around looking like Tarzan all day and I'm fed up with it. Today was the day he was getting the big chop! 
According to daddy a little boys first haircut is basically a big deal, because it's the first time they are experiencing something that they will probably be doing for the rest of their life. Now the only thing to decide is what kind of haircut we want him to have. At first I was leaning more toward cutting it all off, but the thought of seeing my baby boy without hair made me cringe. Daddy was leaning more toward letting him keep his Afro but just cutting it a tiny bit so his hair is more even and neat. That sounded nice but I needed a little more hair gone than just a tiny bit.
We were torn. I started second guessing myself asking if change was really good. For the first year of his life he has had this crazy looking "Blue Ivy" hair and now to imagine him without it was kind of scary!" It gives him extra personality" I told myself, "It's like his trademark, but at the same time it's highly annoying and requires a lot of freaking maintenance. F*#k it! I'm getting it cut! CHANGE IS GOOD"!
I marched into that barbershop on a mission! Focused with my eye on the prize. ( The prize was a presentable looking toddler) I had my picture ready to show the barber exactly what I wanted my sons hair to look like. Sat Baby Alex in his chair, so far so good! Next thing you know the barber cut on the Clippers and Baby Alex cut on the Tears....


I gave him my phone to try and calm him down, didn't work. Then I gave him a lollipop (which I never do, but I was desperate) that didn't even work, he threw it on the ground. By this time he is screaming like hell!!! So I just sat in the chair with him embarrassed, I was so wrapped up in his tantrum I didn't even realize the barber had made a mistake until the other barber came over and started cleaning up his mess! Now I'm pissed looking like wtf as they cut off more and more of my baby's hair. I almost felt like I wanted to cry, but the ending result turned out pretty good. I don't know if I want to take him back for another cut anytime soon tho....  RIP "BLUE IVY HAIR"

After the cut he had a big attitude with me, I think it was because I had to hold his head down... Sorry BooBoo mama loves you, it was for your own good.