Hello I'm Bre

Hello I'm Bre
I'm a first time mother just figuring it out as I go. Trying to always remember to stay Fabulous and not lose myself in MommyWorld.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Ahhhh Sore Breast!!!

Everyone who knows me knows that I've been breastfeeding my son for his whole 14 months of life. And although it has its perks there can also be an ugly side... I've been experiencing that ugly side for the past 2 days.
I woke up with a sharp pain on my right breast. I figured it was just full with milk and needed it be drained, but once I got all the milk out it was still sore to the touch. I decided to ignore the pain since I had so many errands to run and I definitely wasn't skipping out on my shopping!!! As the day went on my breast began to feel even more sore than before. I continued to feed Baby Alex on that breast convinced that it was just a clogged milk duct. Later that night I began feeling sick and weak, my temperature spiked up to a low grade fever and I had the chills. I mean seriously WTF. After that I knew it was more serious than clogged milk ducts, so I began researching like always.
Mastitis is an infection of the breast tissue that results in breast pain, swelling, warmth and Redness of the breast. If you have Mastitis you may also experience fever and chills! Mastitis may be caused by a blocked milk duct or by bacteria entering your breast.
This has to be what I have!! I went to the bathroom to see if my breast were red (It was). I then started thinking of things that may help it go away without having to go to the doctor... I took a warm shower then I held a warm compress against my breast. I had a low fever so I just made sure I stayed hydrated and got as much rest as possible. I also tried making sure I fed Baby Alex before the breast became too full with milk and I used a variety of positions to Breastfeed. 
My fever and chills went away but I'm still a little sore it seems like it's slowly getting better. Any advice??


  1. Great blog!
    You probably want to go see your doctor to get a antibiotic since its an infection. Continue to feed from both sides and make sure you empty completely with each feeding. If baby doesn't empty them them pump until empty and store the milk. It works for me. Hope it helps!

  2. Thanks it's feeling a lot better now but if it's still sore tomorrow I will go to the doctor before it gets out of hand =]
